Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why I really admire Bill Gates for what he is trying to do - change the world

Excellent speech. He is not a 'hype' jeans guy. He is a person with vision. Not with 'cutting edge product' but with mind on a real problems. Bill Gates will be the most important person in next 10 years in pharma and health system for 3rd world and finally world all together. Just take a look and take a minute about this person.

Unfortunetly people still focus on Microsoft, than on Gates.
"As I write this post Gates talks of MS's philanthropy. It is hard to swallow. Many of the press stories about MS show it as purely driven to colonize the world. Gates says there is more to what MS does. Yet maybe as Google rises, Gates really wants to undercut it. Maybe he thinks he can do it with this move

On the other hand, people hates Gates because he is the person behind the success of microsoft. It doesnt matter what he is really doing to change the world. I feel like we were listing to two different speeches. It is great that now Gates by himself (not as a microsoft!!) change e.g. vaccination programme, trying to help africe not by producing 'red product' but talking with politics and other companies. This is really, really important. Much more important then open source, google search engine or web 2.0 software. Google is really not important for people in africa! I cant really understand people misunderstanding this two worlds of needs and ideas. Now there is a chance to change the world by people with vision and funds.

Take a look also on concurringopinions website.

UPDATE: Bill has sense of humor http://tinyurl.com/26zwbu too.

Walmart with medical services

According to WSJ 23 Clinics with non-emergance medical services will be closed... Stop. Is there something like that already running in USA ?

Shocking but very 'american'. Bring simple services like: routine Care, child and Adolescent Health, diagnostic Testing, vaccinations and preventative Care to wide public in shopping malls. Great. We already have big pharmacy supermarkets. What about simple diagnostics or health services?

Company behind it is called Checkups. I really love that and I think we should very seriously consider this way o promoting health and health services to polish patients. I consider my self as a client of this kind of service. Simple - I can make shopping, go to laundry and check my glucose in the middle.
Vaccinations is very important service too, especially for woman and children when we talk about e.g. hpv vaccine (gardasil, cervarix).

I will look forward hearing news from Wal-Markt about Checkups. All the best !

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Is tablet PC a future?

In fact, Microsoft may have some right to strongly encourage programmers and end customers to look for tablet pc. In my opinion, we make some usability tests and tablet pc may be excelent tool for doctors and patients. Also for Sales Representatives.

What good tablet pc should have:
1. extremly fast boot up - less then 20 seconds
2. wakeup in less then 5 seconnds
3. software design specialy for touchscreen
4. wifi or gprs included
5. camera
6. all actions should be safely monitored for additional actions

We (activeweb) don't see tablet pc as a another computer. We see it just as a monitor with access to community services and important patient data.

Andrzej Broniek from Elsevier had excellent presentation during Innovation 2007 (december 2007). He shows a grid of databases focused on doctors needs. Its very important to understand what the doctor or patient is looking at the moment (global scope or fast decision support).

We hope to provide you in Q2 first look at our research results on Tablet PC in-hospital communication system.

Please feel free to contact me with your ideas and questions regarding tablet pc - doctors, patients systems.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Poradnikmedyczny.pl free of registration

Few days ago we change registration system as a experiment in our main website for patients. http://www.poradnikmedyczny.pl is free of Medpass 2.0 restrict registristration.
Now our readers can access content more easily.

Effects: page views 15% higher and still growing. We hope to already create quite good user profile (based on 500 000 medpass 2.0 users) and we work on extra services to gain new users in medpass.

Portals from our network Openmedica for doctors (np. kardiolog.pl) are still in medpass 1.0 and moving fast into medpass 2.0

ipod nike+

Nagroda dla przelomowego gadgetu medycznego przypadla finalnie:

Genialny ipod nano + nike+


1. Swietne buty choc bardzo drogie niestety (nike+) zostaja kupione z pelna satysfakcja bo dostaje cos ekstra (motywator). Poza tym, uwaga - jezeli ktos w sklepie powie ze takie buty sa np. dla osob > 90kg masy ciala i chronia kolana - to ma racje. Buty sa swietne.
2. Pomyslowosc oprogramowania na IPOD jest niesamowita. Po kolejnym lepszym biegu ku mojemu zdziwieniu pogratulowal mi wyniku... sam Amstrong! Genialne
3. Synchronizuje Ipoda, boom, wchodze na nike+ i mam wszystkie wyniki
4. Mapki google na kabatach i prosze, inni ludzie tez biegaja
5. Wybieram sobie cel i biegne. Teraz mam cel, wiem ile przebieglem, moge sie lepiej scigac ze swoimi slabosciami.

Zobacz moje postanowienie na styczen

"Wesprzyj zolwia ! Kopnij go w tylek pozytywnym haslem"

Reasumujac - nike+ to genialna sprawa i az szkoda ze nie mozna otworzyc tej spolecznosci bardziej poza nike+. Zdecydowanie firma nike zrobila wiecej niz wiele firm farmaceutycznych.

Przy okazji, jak to malenstwo - groszek w bucie i malenki elemencik do ipod wie ze biegne ? :)